The second challenge in this week's Perl Weekly Challenge is to write a solver for a wordsearch grid. I suggested this challenge to Mohammad, so I felt honour-bound to write up my solution.

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One of the Perl weekly challenges this week is to use the language detection API at This takes a string of UTF-8 text, and tell you what language or languages it might be. This blog post describes my first cut at a Perl 5 API.

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This is my solution to the challenge I set earlier this week: what's the longest word you can spell by traversing US states, taking the initial or initials of the states as you pass through them, without revisiting any states?

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The 2nd part of this week's Perl challenge is to find the longest word you can spell using only the two-letter postal abbreviations for the US states. This is my solution, and the solution for a variant of the challenge.

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In the 14th Perl Weekly Challenge, the second part was to create the longest word out of US state postal codes. The challenge was attributed to me, but it's not quite what I intended. So here's an additional challenge — the one I intended. Think of it as challenge 2a: what's the longest word you can spell by traversing US states, taking the initial or initials of the states as you pass through them, without revisiting any states?

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One of the Perl weekly challenges this week is to use the WordsAPI to look up information about a word. An English word. I was curious about the API, so ended up having a play with it.

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