At the QA Hackathon I was working on something with BOOK, for which
we were using my CPAN::ReleaseHistory module. I mentioned I'd been meaning
to put better cache control in it. BOOK quickly hacked in a max_age
attribute and sent me a pull request. So far that's prompted one new
distribution, and I've adopted two other distributions.
I still haven't got back to CPAN::ReleaseHistory though.
Like many CPAN authors, I'm hooked on CJM's CPAN once a week contest. Talking to BOOK yesterday, he wondered how hard it would be to create a clone, using CPAN::ReleaseHistory or BackPAN::Index. That sounded like a fun challenge (read: yak shave), so I said I'd timebox it, and try to produce a minimal clone in an hour...
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