The first challenge PR I received

CPAN Lotterygithubpull requestscommunity Sun 25 January 2015

I received my first pull request (PR) originating from the PR challenge today. NGLENN had been assigned HTML::ParseBrowser, a module I adopted a couple of years ago. He did the thing I've most been meaning to do, but never got around to. Unprompted. Aces!

I adopted HTML::ParseBrowser three years ago, as a result of my review of UserAgent modules. I've meant to refactor the testsuite to be data-driven, but somehow never got round to it.

I've done a number of quick releases to add new / missing browsers that weren't being correctly handled, and each time I'd think "I really must rewrite this testsuite". When I saw that Nate had been assigned the module, I nearly emailed him saying "I don't supposed you fancy ...", but then figured I'd wait and see if he contacted me.

So I was really happy when I received Nate's pull request. Thanks Nate!

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